Rules & Regulations
Interpretation: In these Rules and Regulations unless there by anything in the subject or context therewith:
- The Society means "SPINAL CORD SOCIETY" ( hereinafter referred to as the "SCS")
- The Members means the members of the society for the time being.
- The Subscription means the membership fee.
- The Refusal means the Governing body can refuse any person’s membership.
- The Expulsion means the Government body can remove any member.
- The Appeals & Re- Admission of members means re-admission of members who were expelled from the society.
- The Rights and Privileges means the Rights and Privileges of members of the society.
- The General Body means The Society consisting of all members.
- The Powers and Duties of General Body means duties perform by General Body in the society.
- The Governing Body means Governing Body of the Society to look after and to manage the day to day affairs of the Society.
- The Office bearers means the President, Vice- President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Members, Filling Up of Casual Vacancies for the time- being of the society.
- The Year means the financial year of the society commencing from the 1st April of every year to the 31st March of the next year.
- The Source of Income and Utilization means Subscription, donations, grants-in-aid and gifts from the members and the general public shall be the source of income of the Society.
- The Audit of Accounts means Yearly accounts of the society shall be audited, after closing the accounts, by the Auditors appointed by the General body.
- The Bank Account Operation means The fund of the society shall be kept in a Schedule Bank.
- Annual List of Managing/ Governing Body ( Section 4 of Act).
- Amendment (Section 12 & 12 A of the Act).
- Dissolution and Adjustment of Affairs (Section 13 & 14 of Act).
- Application of the Act.
- Essential Certificate.